
Go Lions!

Person in sunglasses smiling and pointing, wearing a blue and red letterman jacket, sitting in front of a green bush.
To build up competitive sports teams that will promote a healthy lifestyle, practice the traditional ideals of good sportsmanship, develop Kingdom principles, and change the culture of sports in our community.

Homeschool Families

In the past we had a robust athletic program, and we are ready to REBUILD! By participating with TAIAO, any homeschooled student or a student attending a private school that does NOT have the sport we provide is welcome to participate!

We are looking to begin the following sports for the 2025-2026 school year. If you are interested in volunteering to coach and develop any of these sports, please contact Families participating in our sports programs are not required to sign a Statement of Faith.

  • Six-Man Football (5th - 8th Grade) $450

  • Cheer (1st - 12th) $100 plus cost of uniforms

  • Pickleball (5th - 8th Grade Boys & Girls) $250

  • Track & Field (4th - 12th Grade) $150 - $200

Email for questions regarding LCCA Sports Programs.

See “Important Documents” below for detailed information regarding each sport. You must pay 25% of your sports fee to hold your spot. Fees are only refunded in the event a sport does not have enough athletes to safely play the game.

THESA Riders

If LCCA does not offer a sport, they are eligible to play for THESA. For more information, visit their website.

STORM Soccer

Storm Soccer is an athletic program for high school boys and girls who love soccer and want to play competitively against other private organizations. For more information, visit their website.

RISE Flag Football

RISE Flag Football powered by Under Armour is a new youth flag football experience for boys and girls ages 5-15. Reach out to Jonathan Watts at

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” Ephesians 4:1