Parent Roles and Expectations

A University-Model® school partners dedicated parents with skilled, classroom teachers.

A University-Model® school has clearly defined roles and expectations for parents. This provides optimum teacher-parent communication. Please note: the following information is copyrighted by the National Association of University-Model® Schools. It is reprinted here by permission.


To provide an abundance of time and tools for parents (the child’s first and most important teacher) to build strong, healthy relationships with their children (Deut. 6:5-7).

  • In these early years of education, parents are fully involved with the homework process, helping the students understand and complete assignments and grading homework. There is also a need for parents to partner with the teacher. Both help train the student to organize their work and submit all completed homework on time. Like a typical co-teacher, parents may be periodically asked to teach a lesson at home, with a lesson plan or script provided by the classroom teacher.

  • In these grades, responsibilities are often divided between the classroom teacher and the private tutor/parent at home. Parents, as co-teachers and partners, are completely engaged in the homework process while encouraging an increasing degree of independence in completing assignments. Parents are fully available to help drill facts and memory work and to grade homework as required by the teacher.

  • Courses at this level are made successful because each student has a guide (the parent), at home, willing and ready to assist. Parents partner with teachers because they receive instructions from the classroom teacher outlining homework assignments, follow-up study over covered material, and any preparation or review needed for the next class. As a partner to the classroom teacher, the parent is still required to grade some homework assignments. Some courses at this level will begin to cover subject matter that may be unfamiliar to parents. At the same time, the student is still at a dependent age where disciplined study habits must be developed, not by parental force, but through positive encouragement and through the student’s growing awareness of personal consequences. In order for these classes to be successful, the teacher depends on their partnership with the parents to make certain that their student keeps up with the course material assigned and, if difficulties arise, to communicate with the teacher. In some cases, hired private tutoring may be necessary.

  • In the latter years of high school, the parents have the opportunity to monitor the independent school work performed by their children while still being available to provide additional guidance as needed. Courses offered by Legacy Classical at this level will mimic those of a Junior College program where independent study skills and disciplined planning for completing homework assignments are both necessary for success.

  • Some courses will involve equipment or expertise, which necessitates that teaching be done in the classroom and leaves little for the parents to teach at home. This role, therefore, will require the least amount of time by the parent but its importance cannot be understated. The primary responsibility of the parents is to track the progress of their son or daughter and to monitor how well they are doing. Are they becoming discouraged, or are they enjoying the class? What activities are being done each day? What is the student learning? In short, parents need to show an interest and express this to their children. If problems should develop, then the parent should notify the teacher immediately.

  • Parent involvement is needed on a regular basis. As a project assistant, you do not build the child’s project but support them with materials, suggestions, and oversight of standards. The parent may need to fill this role one or more times during the term in support of a particular project. For example, a student in a drama course may need additional help with costuming, memorizing lines, or set construction.

  • The role of the parent coach is to provide individual practice and instruction to their son or daughter at home. The head coach will organize the sport, direct team practices, and communicate to the parent-coaches information and directions concerning home practice on individual skills. This role is used primarily with student-athletes in grades 1-8 and sometimes with student-athletes in grades 9-10.

  • This role describes the relationship between the parent and the older student-athlete. In a competitive athletic program, conditioning training and work on individual skills may go beyond the expertise of some parents. Instead, parents are expected to actively support their children through regular attendance at games and even at practices and to show their support by participating in the athletic booster club, which plays a vital role in the success of an athletic program. At a time when older students are beginning to increase their time away from home as they move gradually toward independence, secondary school athletics offers parents a regular venue through which they can remain actively involved in their student’s life and interests.

“I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” Ephesians 4:1