Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Finding Balance

Why Legacy Classical Christian Academy, a University-model microschool, is your child's best educational option... and how it works!

When new families begin to research their school choices, they often stumble onto our website. Most are overjoyed that we exist! All they hear about is public school, private school, and homeschool. None of these provide balance to a family’s home life. The first two options have children on site with 300 - 2000 other children 35 hours a week. Most come home to complete extra school work (called “homework). Many have evening activities like dance, baseball practice, AWANAS, or youth group. Everyone is rushed everywhere and there is no peace (or, what my husband likes to call, “margin”).

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Train Up a Child in the Way They Should Go

I read a lot of blogs and someimes I come across some that say just the right thing at the right time. This is how I felt when I read Mr. Middlekauff’s blog from the Charlotte Mason Poetry site. I have a short description below to encourage you to “click through” and read it for yourself!

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Narrative Grades v. Traditional Grades: Which Fosters Better Learning?

As caring parents, we all want the best for our children's education. We want them to thrive in their academic journey, develop a love for learning, and build the necessary skills for a successful future. When it comes to grading, however, there seems to be a debate between narrative grading and traditional grading methods. So, which one fosters better learning? Let's explore!

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Do Not Be Conformed to This World

“Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Modern education's love affair with critical thinking

Let's think critically about modern education's love affair with "critical thinking." But why would anyone be critical of critical thinking? Consider, if you will, what "critical thinking" was intended to replace: right reason. So what's the difference?

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Post-COVID Education: Keeping the main thing the main thing

Have you noticed a shift in our students since the pandemic? Even in the best of pandemic-instruction circumstances, students lost. Our school was able to switch to remote learning in March of 2020 over the course of a weekend and was able to maintain instructional integrity for the remainder of the 2020 school year- something we are quite proud of, actually. Our teachers and families were fully supportive and diligent about keeping up with educational standards at that time. Upon returning in-person Fall of 2020, we were cautious just like everyone else and rode the roller-coaster of questioning “do we or don’t we” when anyone fell ill. We opted to go to remote learning only if and when absolutely necessary. Since that time, however school has gone back to normal. Just like it was before Covid. Hasn’t it?

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Classical Christian Education "In the News"

Reintroduced in the 80s, classical education has seen a steady but slow increase in popularity. The grassroots effort to find a way for education to return to being beautiful and good (and true) is now a few decades old and it found its way to a father named Pete Hegseth. Pete also happens to be a correspondent for FOX News.

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

The importance of comparing Worldviews defines Worldview as “a particular philosophy of life”. Alison Gray’s 2011 journal article in International Psychiatry says “Everyone has a worldview. If you think you do not have a worldview then probably your view is the default one of your society, which in the UK’s case is a form of agnostic, capitalist, scientific materialism.” And she defines it this way: “A worldview is a collection of attitudes, values, stories and expectations about the world around us, which inform our every thought and action. Worldview is expressed in ethics, religion, philosophy, scientific beliefs and so on (Sire, 2004). A worldview is how a culture works out in individual practice.” (Gray)

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Why Pay Tuition in the midst of Remote Learning

Even in the midst of remote learning, at Legacy, your child will continue to learn in a loving environment filled with dedicated teachers and other parents who will cry with you when life gets “too heavy”. We continue to bear one another’s burdens thus fulfilling God’s calling. We continue to pray for one another. We continue to strengthen one another and assist one another in the mandate to train our children in the way they should go. The format and delivery method may change. Our mission does not.

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Learning Character through Losing

Learning a lesson from our football players.  Tirelessly, our Lions battled the foe without victory for three games.  Disappointed, they only competed till half time.  Despite losing, by the fourth game, our players began holding back their opponents.  

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Belinda Henson Belinda Henson

Decoding the Dress Code

When Legacy decided on uniforms, there was not a philosophy behind it. In all transparency, the founders just thought, “Private schools wear uniforms, so we will too!” Today, there is a definite philosophy and purpose to uniforms. Here are the four main reasons.

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