I started this blog over a year ago!

Today a parent stopped me and shared about the “battles” that were happening at home. I sat down to write about it when I came across something I wrote last year. I had called it “Navagating the Home Day.” You will find it below, but I wanted to share an encouragement before you dig into all the practical ideas.

The reality is that homeschooling is hard. 2 Peter Chapter 1 describes how we grow up in Christ Jesus. You are homeschooling because you want your child to accept Jesus as their Savior and to grow in their faith, but we quickly forget that in order to grow in our faith, we must endure…hardship. How easily are we tempted to send our children away for 35 - 40 hours a week to “keep the peace” at home. But I argue that “peace” is not quiet and easy and bringing people groups together. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and yet His teachings separated families. His words brought on much sorrow (the rich man who could not give up his possessions to follow Jesus) and anger (He was crucified by the religious and political leaders). Peace is bringing people to Jesus. And we are fighting a spiritual war that does NOT want your child to accept Jesus, nor does Satan want you to grow in your faith.

I cried. A. Lot. But I knew my God would not fail me. I knew no matter how frustrated I became or how many breaks I had to take that day, I knew that if I “made every effort to respond to God’s promises” (2 Ptr) He would be faithful to make me “more productive and useful… in [my] knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I leaned into the Lord. My children graduated from Legacy Classical because of the grace and mercy of Jesus, not because of me.

“So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, [the hard things] and you will never fall away.”

Navigating the Home Day

Embarking on the homeschooling journey with your child can feel like navigating through unchartered territories. With challenges such as managing time effectively and establishing a learning environment that fosters creativity and curiosity, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet, homeschooling also offers a unique opportunity to tailor your child’s education to their specific needs and interests. In this guide, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to help you overcome common homeschooling obstacles, making the experience rewarding and fruitful for both you and your child.

From time management to creating a conducive learning environment, learn how to overcome obstacles and make homeschooling a rewarding experience for both you and your child.

It is important to set realistic schedules to optimize your home for learning. With a bit of planning and flexibility, you can navigate through these challenges and create an enriching learning experience tailored just for your child. Let’s dive into some strategies that will help you manage your time effectively and transform your home into a vibrant learning hub.

Understanding Homeschooling Challenges

The decision to homeschool is a significant one, bringing with it a unique set of challenges. Whether you're a new homeschooling parent or you've been in the game for a while, navigating these obstacles is key to creating a successful learning environment for your child. Not only will your child grow in perseverance, patience, and self-control, but so will you. You are choosing a hard path and the reward is a deeper relationship with your children and Jesus Christ.

Balancing Work and Homeschooling Responsibilities

One of the toughest challenges is finding the delicate balance between work and homeschooling duties. For many parents, this means juggling their professional responsibilities with the educational needs of their children. This balancing act requires a great deal of flexibility and planning. It’s important to establish clear boundaries and work hours, dedicating specific times of the day to focus solely on homeschooling. Additionally, consider leveraging your networks for support, whether it’s family members (grandparents are great for this!) who can pitch in or connecting with other homeschooling parents to share ideas and strategies. Families who work from home may consider trading days with another family or hiring a nanny for 3 hours a day to get the bulk of the schoolwork completed.

Dealing with Curriculum Choices

In traditional homeschooling, selecting the right curriculum can be overwhelming, with a vast array of options available. With Legacy Classical, we provide the curriculum and the lesson plans for you. The teachers and staff have researched and chosen the best curriculum available and created an easy to follow daily checklist for each child. Unlike other University-model schools who sequence each grade level with a different time period, Legacy Classical uses a family-centric approach in which all grades learn the same or similar content at an age appropriate level. By receiving assignments and expectations six weeks or more in advance, you can plan around your family calendar instead of your family planning around the school calendar.

Time Management Strategies

Effective time management is critical to the success of a homeschooling routine. By developing a structured approach, you can alleviate some of the stress associated with balancing various responsibilities and ensure a more productive and enjoyable learning experience for your child. Use a sticker chart or checklist for your child to mark off as they finish each assignment.

Setting a Daily Routine

A consistent daily routine helps establish expectations and creates a sense of stability for your child. Start by setting regular times for waking up, meal times, and schooling hours. While it’s important to be flexible, having a general framework for the day can help keep both you and your child focused and organized. Always begin your day with the family focused items: prayer, Bible study, history reading and narration, poetry memory work, and picture study. Starting the day as a group builds community and breeds life into your school day.

Prioritizing Tasks

Identify the most critical tasks for each day and tackle those first. In the context of homeschooling, this might mean focusing on core subjects like math and reading before moving on to electives or extracurricular activities. By prioritizing tasks, you can ensure that the most important learning objectives are achieved, even on days when time is tight.

Incorporating Breaks

Just as important as the learning itself is ensuring that there’s ample time for rest and relaxation. Breaks are essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout, both for you and your child. Schedule short breaks throughout the day to allow for physical activity, snacks, or just some quiet time. These breaks not only provide an essential respite but also help to improve concentration and overall well-being. Here is a practical idea: set a timer for your child to work diligently for 15 minutes and then use the timer to give them a 10 minute break.

Creating a Conducive Learning Environment

Creating a conducive learning environment is crucial in homeschooling. This environment enhances concentration, fosters a good study habit, and mirrors the importance of education in the household.

Designating a Study Space

Choose a quiet, well-lit area of your home to be the dedicated study space. It should be comfortable yet free from the relaxations typical of living or entertainment areas. A consistent study area helps signal to your child that it's time to focus and learn. Equip this space with the necessary supplies and materials—pens, paper, textbooks—so everything they might need is within reach. It does not need to look like a Pinterest board. Many families gather around the dining room table or spread out on the living room floor. We did.

Minimizing Distractions

Minimizing distractions is key to maintaining focus during study time. This means turning off the TV, managing noise levels, and perhaps even setting schedules for internet usage if it's not needed for learning. Discuss with your child the importance of maintaining a distraction-free zone during study hours to help cultivate their discipline and focus. Have a no screen policy while doing work. You would not have the TV on if you were working from home for a corporation and neither should they.

Utilizing Technology Effectively

In today's digital age, technology plays a significant role in education. Use educational apps (such as Reading Eggs) and online resources to complement your assignments. Be sure to set clear guidelines on technology use to ensure it serves as an aid rather than a distraction. In fact, I highly recommend waiting until your child is 16 before handing them a smart phone. Flip phones and dumb phones are effective communication tools without the stress of locking down the internet and paying for apps like Bark. Obviously, internet is a vast resource for interactive lessons and educational games that can make learning more engaging for your child, but use a laptop or computer in a family room.

Keeping Your Child Engaged and Motivated

Maintaining engagement and motivation can be challenging but is essential for a successful homeschooling experience. Tailoring the learning experience to your child's interests and strengths can keep them interested and invested in their education.

Implementing Interactive Learning Methods

Interactive learning methods, such as experiments, puzzles, and educational games, can make learning more engaging and fun. Hands-on activities not only help retain information better but also stimulate curiosity and problem solving. Incorporate a variety of learning methods to cater to different subjects and to keep things fresh and interesting. Practice spelling words with chalk on the drive-way. Count by 3’s starting with the number 2 while jumping on the trampoline. Read together under a giant blanket fort in the living room. And snack. Let them graze! (Sidenote: I did all three of these things all. the. time.)

Encouraging Self-Directed Learning

Self-directed learning encourages independence and responsibility in your child's education. Allow them to have a say in what and how they would like to learn. Using the lesson guides from Legacy Classical, your child can choose which assignment to complete first. Once your family is finished with the prescribed day’s work, let your child dig deeper on topics of interest, or selecting projects they wish to undertake. Providing guidance while allowing autonomy boosts confidence and motivation.

Exploring Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities provide a holistic learning experience beyond academics. These can be in the form of sports, music, arts, or coding classes. Such activities not only offer a much-needed break from regular studies but also help in the development of social skills, creativity, and physical health. Encourage your child to explore various activities to find what they enjoy and excel in. There are many excellent community based sports organizations and Legacy Classical has its own day filled with enrichment activities. From sewing to robotics to cooking, your child can explore what makes them curious. 

Engaging in homeschooling requires understanding and patience, from creating the right learning environment to keeping your child motivated. By implementing these tips, you can navigate homeschooling challenges more effectively, making the journey rewarding for both you and your child.

Managing Socialization and Peer Interaction

One of the most voiced concerns about homeschooling is how it might affect a child's social skills and opportunities for peer interaction. Fortunately, with Legacy Classical, there are a myriad of ways to ensure your child is both socially engaged and developing healthy relationships with their peers.

Organizing Playdates and Group Activities

Beyond Tuesday and Thursday classes, a straightforward approach to tackle this challenge is by organizing playdates and group activities with other children from LCCA. You could coordinate with other parents to set up regular playdates at your home, theirs, or a neutral place like a park or playground. Some moms trade home-days so they can have a “third” school day option. 

Engaging in group activities such as sports, arts and crafts, or educational clubs can also offer your child the chance to interact with peers in a structured yet fun environment. These activities not only help in their social development but also teach them about teamwork and cooperation.

Self-Care for Parents

Homeschooling can be as demanding as it is rewarding, making it essential for parents to not neglect their own well-being. Self-care is important to maintain your resilience, patience, and enthusiasm as a homeschooling parent. Plan regular date nights and, husbands, encourage your wife daily!

Prioritizing Quiet Time with the Lord

It’s crucial to carve out time for you to spend with the Lord. While Jesus woke early and spent time with our heavenly Father, that isn’t always the best time for homeschooling moms. Sometimes its during naptime/quiet time at 2 pm in the afternoon or right before bed at night. Do not let yourself get so busy that you neglect your spiritual life.

Recharging with prayer and Bible study is a must, but try to allow yourself time to enjoy a hobby or read a piece of literature. When the homeschooling day is especially difficult, allow yourself a long bubble bath or time alone at the coffee shop. Prioritizing personal time helps recharge your batteries and keeps you from feeling overwhelmed. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish but rather necessary to be the best parent and teacher you can be.

Seeking Support from Other Legacy Classical Parents

Connecting with other Legacy Classical parents can provide emotional support and practical advice. Whether it’s through in-person or an online book study, sharing your experiences and challenges can be immensely relieving. These interactions also offer a platform to exchange resources, teaching strategies, and encouragement.


Homeschooling can indeed present its fair share of challenges, but with patience, planning, and a little creativity, you can turn these hurdles into opportunities for growth and learning. By embracing a flexible learning environment, prioritizing your child's emotional well-being, and building friendships with others at Legacy Classical, you can navigate the homeschooling journey successfully. Remember, the goal is not only to educate but to inspire a joy of learning in your child. Happy homeschooling!


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