What Are the Responsibilities of Parents in Christian Education

Education in Christian schools in Fort Worth is not just educating students with knowledge but is a whole process of student development. It also aims to establish a solid foundation of faith. In this type of schooling, parents are the primary and greatest influence. They assist their children in developing spiritually as well as being more scholarly in their growth. But what does it mean, and what specific functions should parents assume in Christian education? The following are the main approaches that parents can use to impact their child’s Christian schooling and spiritual growth.

1. Supporting the Faith-Based Curriculum

Education through Christianity entails ensuring that children learn about the Lord and His Word, among other aims and objectives. Schools teach, but home has to back up these lessons. This means teaching your children the biblical stories and the basic principles in the Bible. Urge your child to ask questions about what they learn about Jesus in school.

Daily family worship is imperative to developing your child’s faith. Have a goal for each day at a set time that works best for your family. When our children were young, we did it in the morning at breakfast. When they were in their teens, our family was busy with baseball practice, so we sat down to read from the Bible and to pray at 9:30 pm in the living room - just before bedtime. Having a daily goal made it possible to worship 3-4 times a week as a family. The more involved with your child’s faith-based learning, the deeper your child's faith will be.

At Legacy Classical Christian Academy, we provide an optional weekly Bible study for your family to participate in. Currently, we are working through I and II Peter, Jude, and, next semester, we will read Revelation together as a school.

2. Being Active in School Life

Any parent with an interest in their child’s school can have a huge influence. Attending school functions, prayer meetings, Bible studies, PTA meetings (we call ours PTF - Parent-Teacher Fellowship) and other school activities demonstrate to your child that you are interested in their school. It also assists in the development of friendships with teachers and other parents.

Some of these special occasions in Christian schools in Fort Worth include church services, Bible study, service projects, and missionary work. As part of the church, working out our faith in how we live provides a clear model for your child to follow.

Volunteering for lunch duty, as a teacher assistant, substitute teaching, or event planning, are also excellent opportunities to get involved!

3. Modeling Christian Christ-like Values

Children learn by imitating their parents. As parents, you probably practice loving and caring for others. As you learn and grow in your own sanctification, be sure that your children see this. If you are unkind, let them see you seek forgiveness and apologize. If you want them to have a habit of praying and reading the Bible, make sure they see you having a quiet time. There is a time and a place to seek the Lord in the quietness of one’s closet, but it is just as important to model a genuine relationship with Jesus in front of your children. Your child will pay attention and will seek to emulate your behavior.

It is easier for children to understand and embrace the Christian values in their lives when parents do the same. By observing their parents, they are able to act in a manner that is in line with what they learn in school.

4. Providing Spiritual Guidance at Home

Obviously, Christian education does not stop when the day in school is over. If the child is at home, parents need to proceed spiritually with the child’s spiritual training. One easy method for achieving this is prayer. Use bedtime prayers or prayers prior to eating meals as an important way to pray for your child. Let them see and hear you pray for their teachers and classmates.

It is also necessary to have faith and speak more about it. Discuss with your child some of the difficulties he encounters and the fact that he can seek help from God. Thus, when parents provide religious direction, it builds the child’s faith and confidence in the Lord. Use scripture to guide your child when they need encouragement!

5. Encouraging Academic and Spiritual Growth

Christian education, therefore, involves learning about God’s created order (math, science, physics, chemistry, language) which many would classify as “secular education”. In reality, if you believe in John 1: 3 “God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him” then you must believe that all education is religious education. As parents assist with homework, study habits, and reviews, you should be cognizant of the Biblical framework that underpins all learning, knowledge, and wisdom.

This might mean engaging your child in memorizing scripture passages from the Bible or solving social problems by learning about Biblical heroes. The idea is to weave Jesus throughout all learning in order for your child to not compartmentalize their faith.

6. Building a Strong School-Home Partnership

School and home cooperation is vital to every growing child. Communication is the key to this relationship. Parents should visit their child’s teacher for updates on their child’s progress in school. Regarding any problems that may appear, be it academic or spiritual, do not hesitate to sort them out with the teacher as soon as possible.

Parents and teachers must collaborate in order to encourage the child. The home and school are on the same page; thus, they are safe knowing everyone has the same objectives.

7. Creating a Christ-Centered Home

If your home is centered on Christ, you are serving as their foundation for a solid, Christian education. This simply implies having a lifestyle where faith is a central part of life. Post scripture around your home, play Christian music or listen with your child to Christian podcasts or any other religious broadcasts. Such actions help children to understand that faith is the key to their lives and everything they do.

Parents need to attend church regularly and with their children. Teach them that the Christian community is foundational to their spiritual growth! And when children go to youth groups or sing in the church choir, they will build a self-worth rooted in Christ and have a sense of belonging.


Parents should partner with Christian schools in Fort Worth that provide Christian education. These schools promote faith-based teaching, participation in school activities, and exhibit Christian values at home. Parents establish a Christ-like learning environment through prayers for children, religious guidance, and good relationships with teachers.

An institute like Legacy Classical Christian Academy helps foster a great relationship between you and your child spiritually and intellectually. Through the best Christian education, this academy helps your child connect with a Christ-centered worldview. In this way, parents are supported in their responsibilities needed for a child to succeed as a Believer in Christ Jesus.


1.How can parents support Christian education at home?

The parents can support Christian education by praying, reading, and discussing the Bible and other faith matters with their children. Building a Christian home makes supporting what is taught in school easier.

2.Why is parental involvement important in Christian education?

Another factor that enhances home-school relationships is parental involvement. When parents get involved, it is instrumental in children's spiritual and academic development as they grow.

3.What are the ways parents can participate in Christian schools in Fort Worth?

Parents can assist in school functions, attend and participate in meetings, and assist in religious activities. This fosters their child’s development since relationships with teachers and other families get established.


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